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Tel: +44 (0) 1604 790500
Fax: +44 (0) 1604 790155
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 61 7 3344 0500
Fax: +44 61 7 3344 0520
Tel: +44032 (0)2 367 13 10
Fax: +44032 (0)2 367 13 19
Tel: +4486 21 5958 5801
Fax: +4486 21 5958 5802
Tel: +441 800 354 9621
Fax: +441 423 884 6667
Tel: +420 465 519 311
Fax: +420 465 544 491
KAB Seating specialises in the manufacture and supply of comfortable, practical work seats for various types of vehicles.
Date Added: 2 July 2020
Date Added: 16 September 2019
KAB Seating specialises in the manufacture and supply of durable suspension seating. Our world leader status comes from over 50 years of experience.